Tentacles, as they appear in Lovecraft’s writing, merely form an aspect of beings so alien that the sight of them would break the psyche of whoever witnessed them. About the only thing that is more renowned for its love of tentacles than Lovecraft is anime hentai, and unlike anime hentai, Lovecraft never actually meant for this fetish to become so associated with his work. Then there’s the obsession with tentacles and grotesque monsters. It’s also about as intelligent as the Doom reboot’s plot, and a very, very far cry from everything that At The Mountains of Madness actually stood for, beyond the superficial. With a couple of twists and turns, the overarching thrust of the narrative is that of a warning against intrepid scientists pushing for knowledge too hard and organisations capitalising on that and… well, that’s the plot of the Doom reboot. Moons of Madness is about explorers on Mars and, as you can probably guess, it doesn’t take long for it all to start hitting the fan there, too. In Mountains of Madness, a group of intrepid explorers take off to Antarctica, where they manage to discover a ruined city of cosmic beings before the proverbial hits the fan and they all start dying. Moons of Madness is a homage and reference to At The Mountains of Madness, Lovecraft’s longest and most sustained work, and there’s more in similarity between the two than just the names.

Related reading: Publisher, Funcom, produced a brilliant short horror experience in The Park that we highly recommend everyone play.